Sioslife S.A. develops usability technology and design to improve the quality of life and social inclusion of people with low or non-existent digital literacy and with physical and psychological limitations, as is the case of the elderly population. By favoring natural interfaces (motion, touch and voice), adapting the hardware’s ergonomics and simplifying communication between the software and the user, the company offers an easy and intuitive system for anyone, even those who have never had contact with new technologies. The solutions are developed by professionals who know the problems, needs, challenges and motivations of the elderly.

Sector: Social Impact / Social Inclusion
Rua Eng. Nuno Álvares Pereira, Nº 33 Gualtar 4710-915, Braga, Portugal


Total Amount: 2.264.000€
SIF Amount: 1.132.000,00€
Coinvestors: Pathena SCR, 3xP Global e Subvisual, Lda.
Stage: Seed
Region: Norte
Operacional Programme: COMPETE2020
Investment Date: november 2022

Sustainable Development Goals:

03. Good Health And Well-Being04. Quality Education10. Reduced Inequalities11. Sustainable Cities And Communities
